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Joy: So, are you saying 'skills' have no place in gospel music?

Lulama: No dear. We need skills but we have to combine them with the annointing. That makes you a 'bomb' for Christ because at the end of the day, we need change, so we have to deliver according to people's needs, remembering that we're living in the last days.

Joy: As a music minister, do you think we have a role to play in our society? If so, what are the ways we can affect our society and the world at large?

Lulama: Yes my dear, we have roles to play. Just like you can't preach on a hungry stomach, we need to feed the hungry and clothe the clothless, so that they will listen to us. Our gospel can then be experienced in love and word. The world needs the church a lot.

Joy: Having been in the music industry for over a decade. What's the biggest lesson you have learnt?

Lulama: Seek ye first the Kingdom and all other things shall be added. I've seen it as my key of living. You'll never go wrong.

Joy: You've worked with Joyous Celebration, the legendary Rebecca Malope, Chaka Chaka and others. Why did you settle for Bishop Benjamin?

Lulama: Bishop Benjamin is the one that introduced me to the industry. He is no longer a boss, he's more of a father and a mentor.

Joy: At what stage did you realize you were called into full time singing?

Lulama: I think it was in 1996 before I even joined the industry. The Lord told me about my journey, preparing me at the same time. When Bishop Benjamin discovered me, I was already waiting for it.

Joy: Do you see yourself going on your own in no time, where you won't be working for anyone?

Lulama: Yes Ma'am. I'm working on my project as we speak.

Joy: How would you rate the gospel industry in South Africa, compared with the gospel industry in the western world?

Lulama: I'd say that we have artistes that are international, like Benjamin Dube and Ntokozo Mbambo. You can put them anywhere in the world and their music will be accepted and understood, so we're getting there.

Joy: Is the gospel industry in South Africa encouraging the upcoming music ministers?

Lulama: Yes Ma'am! In accordance with their passion of course.

Joy: Have you had any cause to quit singing?

Lulama: NEVER, baby girl!!! Its a calling and its my life. The day I quit is the day I stop obeying Jehovah God.

Joy: Do you have any song or album already in the market.

Lulama: Yes I do, an old song called 'Do it Lord'. They don't play it that much anymore though. You only see the video on One Gospel once in a while.

Joy: Yes. That was when I first saw you. What inspired that song?

Lulama: Surrendering my will to His, realizing that I'm failing on my own. Asking Him to fully reign over me and helping me do His will.

Joy: You have been to Nigeria for a concert with Bishop Benjamin. That was where I met you one on one. What do you Like about the Nigerian people?

Lulama: My experience while I was in Nigeria was great. I felt like I was in Hollywood because I had been longing to come for a very long time so it was a dream come true.

Joy: Tell us your experience while in Nigeria.

Lulama: Their passion for the Lord inspires me. Their prayer life is amazing and it really challenges me to love the Lord more. When most of them pray, they pray as if there's no tomorrow. That revives me I tell you. Having been watching Nigerian services on Dunamis TV, Liberation TV and Celebration TV, the experience changed my life.

Lulama: Its just that we didn't stay for long, which broke my heart. As you can see on my picture, I still wear the 'Gele' you gave me and I treasure it.


Joy: What did you enjoy the most during your stay?

Lulama: The fact that we shared a song with you guys was like 'let's do this all night please'.

Joy: Wow! I'm delighted to hear that.

Lulama: You'd be amazed if you could see my heart right now. Its humbling hey, truly so.

Joy: What's your favorite Nigerian food?

Lulama: My favourite question!

Lulama: Egucci souuuuuuuuup😂

Joy: Lol. It's called egusi soup

Lulama: Oh Egusi, cool

Joy: What's your advise to upcoming music ministers?

Lulama: Don't look for fame. Drown yourself in God. Seek His face, He knows where your fish is. I'm reminded of Peter. He toiled all night being a specialist in fishing but when Jesus came, their nets broke because of an overflow and abundance so, let fame be a cherry on top all these other things. Thank You Jesus! I love You Jesus. Haaaaaaa.🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌

Joy: What do you perceive to be the South Africa's greatest challenge in the gospel music industry?

Lulama: Its the fact that there are people that sing about Him but do not know Him so we can see ourselves by our fruits. Its always a challenge.

Joy: How do you manage fans?

Lulama: I love people naturally. I'm sure you'll be my witness on this one. I really treasure my fans.

Joy: How do cope with all of them, not losing your focus? Some just want to hang out with you because of your voice and without true intentions. How do you manage all of them; the good, the bad and the ugly?

Lulama: I don't give my phone numbers out. We only communicate through Facebook because of the issues you've mentioned. I block the ugly ones I tell you.

Lulama: I'm a humble person naturally so some persons tend to take advantage of that. I don't like strife, quarreling and explaining myself over and over again. That's when I end up blocking them. 😂

Joy: How can you be contacted for concerts and ministrations?

Lulama: I can be contacted on Facebook or via e-mail.

Mail address:

For reference you can go to Youtube and search for Lulama Lallo at Thando Siyeni's wedding or click HERE.

Joy: I want to say a very big THANK YOU to you for giving us time to chat with you.

Worshippers Lifestyle appreciates you and loves you dearly.

Joy: We hope to have you here again and I hope you will oblige us.

Lulama: I'm truly honored baby girl and I pray for the safety of Nigeria during this election period. May it be conducted in peace and harmony in Jesus Mighty Name! I decree that Nigeria is protected by the blood of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, in Jesus Name!

Joy: Amen!!

Lulama: Thank you dear. I love you guys more. I'm family now and anytime is tea time.


Thank you for this opportunity.

Kingdom Blessings.

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