Joy: Good afternoon.
Joy: Welcome to Worshippers’ Lifestyle Blog.
Eloho: Good afternoon!
Eloho: Thank you.
Joy: May we meet you please?
Eloho: My name is Eloho Efemuai, daughter and worshipper of the most high. I'm a wife, mum, worship leader, planner, event host, coordinator and blogger.
Joy: Wow! That's great.
Joy: From your name, I suppose you are from Delta state.
Eloho: Yes I am from Delta state and I am the youngest from the Amata Dynasty.
Joy: Please tell us about your journey into music.
Eloho: I've been in music for over a decade but only released my debut album, 'Arise' in March 2014.
Joy: Ok! Tell us about the album and why it took you that long to release.
Eloho: Timing is key. It was the right time and everything fell in place. It couldn't have been earlier or later.
Eloho: I had been through a rough time where I felt rejected and wasn't sure who I was but God kept me. 'Arise' was birthed in response to His worship and I wanted to share His love for me with the world.
Joy: Awesome!
Joy: At what point did you realize you are called, and what led to that realization?
Eloho: Over 10 years ago. I've always known I had a calling. In my life, I find no other joy than being in God’s presence and doing His will.
Joy: How would you categorize your music?
Eloho: It is praise and worship.
Joy: So you are a gospel music minister.
Eloho: Yes, sure!
Joy: Some folks don't like being referred to as gospel singers, that they're inspirational singers. I'm glad you are proud to be called that.
Eloho: (Laughs) Oh, I see! I am a gospel singer who inspires people. I believe in Jesus, I believe he died for me and I love to sing his praise, so I am proud to be called a worship leader and a gospel singer.
Joy: Please tell us about the place of the anointing and the place of skill.
Joy: A lot of gospel singers today only run scales and all of that, without the effect of the anointing. Should the anointing supersede skill?
Eloho: There's a place for skill, don't get me wrong but if you want to lead people to a place where they encounter Jesus and experience his church, then my dear, you definitely need his anointing.
Eloho: The anointing makes the difference.
Joy: What are the challenges you have had to go through as a gospel musician?
Eloho: Hmm! The challenges in the music industry is a big one. When you're not one of the 'major artistes', you may seem lost.
Eloho: People will rather listen to those who they already know, so establishing your brand is quite a bit challenge and I think it's the same anywhere.
Eloho: Especially if you don't have a big label to promote you.
Joy: I believe you lived in Nigeria before settling in UK.
Joy: While in Nigeria, what were your challenges, compared with now in the UK?
Eloho: Yes I lived in Nigeria but at that time, I wasn't into music professionally.
Joy: So should the upcoming singers be discouraged about these factors?
Eloho: No, at all! Truth is, we are not sent to the whole world but to a particular set of people.
Eloho: There is place for everyone, so long as your motives are right.
Eloho: You must ask yourself if you're going into music for the fame and fortune or to be a blessing to lives.
Eloho: You do not need a platform to be relevant.
Eloho: God has blessed you with so much, so make use of what He has deposited in you, and the right people will come.
Joy: So what has made your career special?
Eloho: Hmm special? I don't know. (Laughs) The only thing I know is that the Grace of God distinguishes.
Joy: Grace!!
Joy: A lot of d popular musicians started in the church choir. Have you ever wondered why they leave the church for secular world?
Eloho: Well, I always say that is between them and God. I am not in a position to question them as I don't know what their assignment is.
Joy: So why have you remained despite all the temptations and trying moments?
Eloho: I love God. He's done so much in my life.
Joy: Have you ever ministered in a secular conference or concert?
Eloho: No I haven't.
Joy: Do you think it is wise for gospel ministers to minister in such events?
Eloho: Jesus wasn't called to those who are saved but to the lost.
Eloho: The question to ask is what their message is at such events.
Joy: Should gospel music ministers be featured in a secular music or by a secular artiste?
Eloho: (Laughs) you know I wouldn't go into what gospel music ministers should do and not do! If they have the spirit of God, they ought to know what's right and what's wrong.
Eloho: The spirit of the Lord leads and guides. "This is the way walk ye in it." He says He'd lead us in the way we should go.
Joy: Would you agree if you were approached by a secular artist to feature in their song? For instance, a secular artist is singing a song and mentions Jesus, and wants you to take a lead part. Would you agree to it? After all, Jesus is mentioned in the song.
Eloho: No thank you!
Joy: Do you think there should be flexibility in gospel music, like the kind of beat our songs should have?
Eloho: What makes a song gospel? Is it the lyrics or the beat?
Joy: How far should our songs reach? Should it be directed to few and predefined categories of people, class and religion?
Eloho: Every individual is sent to a different category of people, so it should go as far as possible.
Joy: What exactly is the issue with marketing and getting a label for gospel artistes?
Eloho: I can’t say exactly. Different factors may contribute but I am not certain.
Joy: Do you think every gospel artist should be a full time musician?
Eloho: If that's what they've been called to do why not?
Joy: How do you combine your different activities with music? You are into event planning and others, and also a full time musician. How do you manage all of them?
Eloho: It's called multitasking (laughs).
Joy: When ministering or leading praise and worship, and you realize the congregation/ audience isn’t responding, what do you do?
Eloho: Hmmmm that's where there's a difference between entertaining and leading people to worship. As a worship leader you cannot lead people to where you have not been, so before taking any stage you must have prepared and spent time with God.
Eloho: Don't get me wrong. There are people who will never respond, no matter what you do but where the spirit of God is, you can't resist it.
Joy: Should music ministers have a mentor? If yes, who should be a mentor?
Eloho: Yes! Everyone needs a mentor, that one person who can speak the truth to you and who can guide you. It doesn't necessarily have to be a musician like you but again, that helps, in that if he or she is a musician, they can help you avoid certain things they've been through.
Joy: Should every music minister be paid in their local church?
Eloho: A labourer is worthy of his wages.
Eloho: If that's the only job he has, why not!
Joy: Last but not the least. In your own view, do you think secular artistes should perform in the church because they mentioned Jesus or God in their song?
Eloho: What message is the secular artist bringing? Have gospel artistes finished that a secular artiste will now be invited to perform in the church?
Eloho: Church is not for performance or entertainment. Church is where people go to get saved, refreshed, delivered and inspired.
Joy: Do you think we should westernize our songs instead of singing more in our African tune and language?
Eloho: (Laughs) there’s a place for everything, It also depends on your target.
Eloho: Some foreigners sing our African tunes and get blessed by it. One just needs to know what they've been called to do and not follow the crowd.
Eloho: I love some African singers who will not give in to change their styles, no matter what, and they have gone far and wide. The most important thing is to be focused and stay in your lane.
Joy: How do we contact you for programs, concerts and other events?
Twitter: @elohoefemuai
Eloho: My songs are on
Joy: What do you have to say to upcoming music ministers?
Eloho: Oh I love that one!
Eloho: Be focused!
Do not be carried away!
Do not follow the crowd!
Seek to please God, not man!
Eloho: You do not need a platform to be relevant.
Eloho: Chase after God, and He will make room for you.
Joy: Thank you for granting us the time to speak with you.
Eloho: You're welcome.
Joy: We hope you will welcome us again.
Joy: Thank you ma
Eloho: Aww, thank you so much!
Eloho: You're welcome anytime.