I saw a picture and a phrase with it and it really got me thinking. The phrase reads "Broken Crayons still colour", and I wondered what it actually meant.
Here is my thought, and it opened me up to new possibilities and challenges that there is hope again for everyone reading this piece. I want you to know you are stronger than you know, if you will not look down to the brokeness of your crayon.
You can still fulfill your dreams, you can still love again and you can still become that loving wife/best husband you have always wanted to be. You can still write that exam, trim down, be loved again, be sane again and regain your sanity. You can still make it again, be healed again and clean up again from every mess. Your broken crayon can still colour lives again, put a smile on the faces of people, believe again and live again.
Don't fret about the number of times you have fallen, the many times you have failed, the countless times you have been beaten, the precious times wasted, and the times you were rejected, talked about and laughed on.
You were not built to break down and give up. Pick up your brokeness and paint your life with the remaining color in it and see the wonders hidden in you.
Raise your head up and your shoulders high against everything that held you bound. There is still color in you to colour your life and that of others. Your broken crayon can be sharpened again and when sharpened, it comes out better.
You are coming out better, stronger, and wiser.
Hey! Dear, go out today with this reality and color your world!!