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"The soothing tongue is a tree of life, but a perverse tongue crushes the spirit."

Proverbs 15: 4 (NIV)

This verse caught my attention while studying, and I paused to really ponder on what it means. I took time out to reflect on some of the things I have said to people around me, to see if I need to call some persons up to apologize or to text and make amends. The truth is, God will hold each and every one of us accountable for the words we have spoken, if we don't go back and make the necessary adjustments, and ask for forgiveness.

The bible tells us that our words should be filled with grace, so that the hearers may be blessed. We need to watch how we relate with people in our immediate environment: office, neighbourhood, family and our circle of friends.

Sometimes, we feel superior to others because of our position, wealth, career, educational qualification and so on. We sometimes talk to people in ways that crush their spirit, emotion and personality, and our words do not exude grace.

I looked up the word "soothing" in the dictionary and the words I picked out got me broken the more. Soothing means 'to restore to ease' and I ask myself and you, how many times have your words brought restoration and ease to someone going through low moments, and they were happy they confided in you?

Another meaning I got is 'comfort'. How do we comfort a broken person that needs healing? Do our words bring comfort to broken hearts? Other meanings include tranquility, calm, quiet, refreshen, soften and relief.

Do people leave your presence refreshed or leave your presence, wishing they never spoke with you concerning the issue bothering them?

Can someone sit with you and not get condemned over a fault or mistake they made?

The truth is, words are very powerful. They can either make or mar you, so if your words are crushing the souls of others, you need to pause and ponder the path you are treading. Words spoken can never be taken back.

I once held on to something a very close friend told me I could never do, for years because I felt she meant well and knows what's good for me, until I heard something contrary and told myself I would try it out. For years, every time I attempted that particular thing, I kept hearing her voice telling me I couldn't do it but thank God I am free from that voice.

So, today, do a complete scan of yourself and check every area you have crushed others. You need to go back and soothe them with gracious words, and don't let pride stop you from doing the right thing.

Heal someone with your words today. Determine in your heart, you are going to soothe and not crush someone with your words. You may want to pick up your phone and call, text that person or some persons you have discouraged, disrespected, criticized unfairly, humiliated, ridiculed or looked down on, because they are not up to your standard or class. Just go ahead and water them again with soothing words filled with love, and let healing, grace and love flow from your words.

Remeber, be slow to speak. Before opening your mouth, always think about what you are about to say, to see if it will bless or curse.

Let people always remember you for how they left your presence; whole, refreshed, calm, restored, relieved, comfortable, and renewed.

You can either be a 'soother' (if there's any word like that) or a 'crusher'.

The things you say and the way and manner you say them tell people who you really are. People will find out who you are and either want to stay close to you by the way you soothe their souls or decide to run away from you by the way you crush their soul.

So if people are running from you, pause and do a thorough self-check.

People will only gravitate towards who and where is soothing!

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