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FATHER, as I become a year older today my thoughts turn to You. What really do I ask of You, Lord, on the occasion of my birthday this year?

Do I ask for;

  • PROSPERITY so that all my needs might be met and all my bills paid?

  • PEACE that I might not be burdened nor threatened by the storms and changes in life?

  • POWER – power with You and with men – that I might overcome any and every challenge both human and material?

  • FAVOR that I might dwell in relative peace and tranquility with men and in the world of men?

  • GOOD HEALTH that I may live long and be healthy enough to fulfill every jot of Your plan and purpose for me?

  • MORE ANOINTING that I might serve Your purpose and intention more efficiently and effectively in this world?

LORD, I could ask You for all these and more but this is what I choose to ask You today, my birthday:

I ask You for;

  • WISDOM to count my days and thus apply Your ‘intelligence’ to everything around me.

  • INSIGHT into your Word that I may know Your heart more and more.

  • PURITY of HEART that I may walk and work more closely with You and not just for You.

  • GRACE to be not just a minister pleasing to You but to be the best wife my Husband could have and to perfectly represent You as a Godly MOTHER to my lovely unborn kids who You have graciously and mercifully given to me as gifts.

Much more, I ask that Your presence will not leave me and that I enjoy a more intimate relationship with Your Holy Spirit.

On this my birthday, I look forward not just to accolades and gifts but only to the reward that You alone can give, and as the end of end-times come upon this earth, my desire is that I might live and reign with You in Heaven. This is my ultimate priority and prayer.

So, dear LORD, from me to You, I offer myself afresh to You and to Your purpose for my life, as a living sacrifice. I come in the volume of the books as it is written of me, to do Your will, Oh God!

I thank you for making me see another year. Thank you for the gift of life. I'm eternally grateful for all the blessings that you have given me, for the struggles which made me stronger and helped me realized the ideas of life's bitter-sweet reality and most of all, for the daily guidance and protection which You unconditionally give through my ever beloved family, friends and Spiritual Authorities.

Thank you for all the experiences of these past years, for times of success which will always be happy memories, for times of failure which reminded me of my weakness and of my need for you, for times of joy when the sun was shining, and for times of sadness which drove me to you. Help me in the days ahead to make this the best year yet.

Thank You Lord for

  • All that You gave me in the past years.

  • The sunny days and for the sad and cloudy ones.

  • The calm afternoons and the dark nights.

  • The love and for all the beautiful and sweet things.

  • Health and joy.

  • All that You have given me and all that You asked of me.

  • Your smiling face and friendly hand that kept me strong.

  • My job and everything that brought me closer to You.

  • Preserving my Life to see this day and all the wonders You've done in my Life.

  • Having kept me alive, for having given me shelter, warmth and nourishment.


Thank You, Holy Spirit of God, for bestowing so many graces upon my soul and for having so frequently renewing Your life within me. Who am I without You God! A work in Your Hand, still in progress! May my life, from now on, be a sign of my gratefulness.

Thank you for guiding me and for commanding every direction that I take in my life. I also thank you for bringing in and taking out all whom you felt needed to come through my life because everyone has a season.

Thank you for all that you have done and all that you continue to do for me, for bringing love, hope and great changes into my life, and for wrapping me and all that is in me in Your hands.

Father, all I can say is THANK YOU SO MUCH for blessing me! Indeed, without you I am nothing but with you I have everything I'll ever need. I LOVE YOU.

I've smiled and laughed, I've screamed and cried, I've been down and been up but above all, I'm grateful to You for giving me another OPPORTUNITY to be productive and proactive, and to share my life as a testimony of Your love and faithfulness, as a blessing to others.

It's another year to dream, to live, to enjoy, to share, to celebrate, and to execute whatever is yet to be executed in my Life.


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