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"My brethren, count it all joy when ye fall into diverse temptations." That was Apostle James speaking to us in the second verse of the first chapter of his book (James 1:2).

When things go wrong, don't go with them. These are times that may test your spirit, sanity and faith. Things you do not have control over may happen to you and/or to people you really care about but what matters most is what happens inside you! That is what you have control over.

Choose to respond from the place of power and possibility. That place is the place of the Word. Affirm to yourself over again until it affects you at the cellular level, that 'no matter how bad it gets, I will make it'.

Everything begins within you but the question is; do you believe in yourself?

Do not quit, do not try giving up, and in a while, you will overcome. In all things be thankful to God, for we know that all things work out for our good always.

Do not give your environment any right over you but instead, let your environment recognize your worth.

Do not murmur or complain when you are at your low moments in life but instead, give thanks and praise to God. You don't just praise Him in spite of your low moments but because of such moments.

Rejoice in it and in so doing, you cause things to manifest with ease and on time.


As ministers, we shouldn't use the same mouth we use to praise God to empower the lies of the enemies whenever they throw darts at us. We should only use our mouth to reverence God.

Make a joyful noise unto the Lord from whereever you are and in whatever position you are. There is so much fun and joy in living a life of praise.

Remember to keep the praise on, regardless of circumstances.

Until God opens the next door, praise Him in the hallway!


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