The true gospel is a call to self denial not self fulfillment, it is a call to God fulfillment. How long did you feast at the table He prepared before you even in the presence of your enemies?
How long do you feed on His word that proceed out of His mouth?
Did you wait for Him to anoint your head with oil?
Did you wait for the overflow or you rush off in a hurry when you received a little taste of Glory, thinking I have arrived? Fame, blessing and grace came and no more fellowship?
There is always more, for
Those that walk with God, like Enoch
The highly esteemed, like Daniel
The ones after God's heart, like David
The faithful, like Moses who saw His back
The friends, like Abraham who negotiated with Him
The lamps, like Samuel, Joshua, Zerubabbel
Those who didnt love their life even unto death, like Esther, Shadrach,Meshach, Abednigo,
He who went to third heavens, like Paul
Those engraved on the palm of his hands, the Apple of His eyes, the ones who feed at His Bosom, the ones seated at His right hand
Those who dwell in His chamber like a Bride does dwell in her Bridegroom's chamber
Those are His exact radiance!